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News and insights

Marine MANʼs News & Insights provides Ship Owner/Managers and Seafarers with marine expertise, guidance, surveys, and reports on todayʼs most relevant topics. What do we offer?

Your Crewman The Marine MAN

Marine MAN is pleased to serve as a one-stop-shop for the Ship Owners and Managers as strong and flexible Crewing Service Provider with a demonstrated history and deeply involved in the industry , combines advanced technologies with a personal touch. We connect seafarers with Reputable Ship Owners and Managers ensuring optimal matches.

We are proud to say that Marine MAN is Pioneer of Crewing Digital Innovation , created own crew recruitment soft and has completed long process of digitalization of all process , from recruitment to management and planning parts and become one of the 1st at the world full digital service provider.

Crew Management is our main business

Our Areas of Expertise
Crew Management
Crew Manning
Maritime Payroll
Seafarer’s Flag State Documentation
Crewing Soft
Technical Management
container ship
container ship