The largest companies with a tanker fleet

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    When talking about tankers, the first thing that comes to mind is oil. However, the tanker fleet is not limited only to oil transportation, but includes a variety of types of vessels that specialize in the carriage of liquid cargo. There are three types of tankers, which, in turn, are subdivided according to tonnage and other features of liquid cargo transportation in bulk: oil tankers, chemical carriers and gas carriers.

    Teekay Group

    Almost every large shipping company has at least one tanker of the above type. The largest company specializing in tankers today is the Teekay Group. This ship owner, which is, in fact, a conglomerate of four companies, has about 125 tankers of various types and displacement. Due to its fleet of vessels, Teekay Group is rightfully considered the most influential company in the tanker shipping market.

    The Japanese company Mitsui OSK Lines has an even larger fleet of 165 tankers. With its capacities, this oil transportation company is capable of transporting almost 12 million tons of crude oil. In addition, this company is one of the oldest (founded in 1884), which means one of the most respected companies in the Asian market. Moreover, Mitsui OSK Lines is constantly growing through the takeover of smaller shipping companies, increasing its assets and spreading its influence.

    This is followed by another company engaged in the transportation of oil products - "Bahri". This 40-year-old company is engaged in the transportation of oil from Saudi Arabia and rightfully occupies a high place in the ranking of tanker companies. It has an abundance of particularly large tankers, which allows it to cover a significant segment of the oil transportation market from Arabian fields to refineries around the world.

    The next company is very similar to Bahri, as it also specializes in the transportation of crude oil from one region - Iranian Tanker Co. As the name suggests, it is mainly Iranian oil that is transported by this company. According to the data, the volume of the tanker fleet of this company allows it to transport about 14 million tons of oil. Another historical moment is associated with this company - in the early 2010s, it was accused of aiding terrorists from among Arab radicals. However, Iranian Tanker Co managed to prove its innocence and continue to engage in oil transportation.


    The five largest tanker companies are closed by the representative of Europe - the company "Euronav". Previously, the company was one of the three largest shipowners with a tanker fleet, but in 2012 it was hit hard by the economic crisis, in connection with which the value of its shares on the New York Stock Exchange fell by half. Now the situation has already leveled off and Euronav is slowly returning what was lost. The tanker fleet of this company is mainly represented by vessels VLCCs and 1 V-Plus, which makes it possible to transport up to 13 million tons of oil on ships belonging to it.

    The tanker fleet is a significant segment among all types of ships around the world. Today, the tanker is a huge vessel that uses the latest advances in electronics and technology to ensure the safe transport of petroleum products. Since any emergency on such a ship can be fraught with global environmental consequences that can affect every inhabitant on Earth. Therefore, on tankers, special attention is paid to reducing the likelihood of the manifestation of the "human factor", in connection with which these vessels are largely automated.
