Vessel details
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How can I find ship details ?
Our Valuable visitors , It can be done easy and free of charge.
The database can be used 24/7.
Entering IMO number or name of vessel into searcher you can look through list of vessels and
choose the right one according your request.
We do crewing better
Our Valuable visitors , It can be done easy and free of charge.
The database can be used 24/7.
Entering IMO number or name of vessel into searcher you can look through list of vessels and
choose the right one according your request.
We do crewing better
- Enter the name of vessel AAMIRA
- Click on resuls AAMIRA-LNG Tanker (9443401)

Among useful information can be found following:
- Name of vessel
- IMO number
- Flag
- Call sign
- Vessel type
- Year of build
- GT
- NT
- Main Engine Details
- Ship Cargo Capacity
- Technical Managers Details
*The vessel description and details should be considered as marketing only, some details can be different