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Catering on board: food that makes the voyage easier

Tasty and satisfying food on board is not just about calories, it’s about comfort, mood and strength for work. After a long shift, a hot lunch can be a real salvation, and a cup of aromatic coffee can be a reason for a friendly conversation.Ship's catering is more than just cooking. This is the ability to turn limited supplies into a varied menu, make dishes healthy and tasty, and make portions sufficient for those who are busy with physical labor all day. Not only products are important here, but also care: a good chef knows how to please the team, even on the most difficult days.Good food is the key to good work. And when the crew is happy, the flight goes smoother!

The main tasks of ship catering: food that works for the crew

Catering vacancies is not just cooking, but a whole system that provides the crew with tasty, nutritious and safe food in any conditions. After all, a well-fed sailor is an energetic, healthy and efficient sailor!What are the tasks of ship catering?

  • Balanced diet. Food should not only satisfy hunger, but also give strength. It is important that the diet is varied, with the correct balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Nourishing, healthy, tasty - these are the three main principles of ship's cuisine.

  • Inventories are under control. Loading your groceries at the start of the voyage is only half the battle. It is necessary to calculate the supplies so that they are enough for the entire route, while they remain fresh and of high quality. And also take into account possible delays and unforeseen situations.

  • Organization of galley work. The galley is the heart of a ship's kitchen. Here everything works clearly and smoothly, despite the limited space and sea motion. It is important to use resources wisely and ensure uninterrupted supply of food.

  • Clean and safe. On a ship, you cannot risk the health of the crew, so strict control over sanitation and hygiene is one of the main priorities. Proper storage of food, cleanliness in the kitchen, and compliance with all standards are the basis of food safety.

  • Crew service. Good catering takes into account not only calories, but also people's tastes. Some people have a special diet, some people don't eat certain foods - all this must be taken into account. After all, food is also a small joy in the difficult conditions of marine life.

Ship catering is about care, professionalism and attention to detail. After all, when the team is well-fed and happy, work becomes easier and the flight becomes more comfortable. 

Who makes the food on board tasty and organized?

A whole team of professionals is responsible for ship catering, because good food at sea is not only about taste, but also about order, quality and competent organization. Who is responsible for ensuring that the crew is well-fed and satisfied?

  • The ship's cook is the captain of the galley. The main man in the kitchen! It depends on him what ends up on the crew’s table. He develops the menu, monitors the quality of the dishes and makes sure that the food is not only satisfying, but also tasty.

  • The cook's assistants are the cook's right hand. You can’t do without them: they participate in preparing dishes, help with cutting, cleaning, processing food and keep order. Teamwork is the key to success in the galley!

  • The galley worker is the keeper of cleanliness. Sterile cleanliness is important on a ship, especially where food is prepared. A galley worker cleans the kitchen areas, washes dishes and makes sure everything is in order. Without him, the kitchen would quickly turn into chaos.

  • The caretaker is a master of supplies. His task is to ensure that there is enough food for the entire voyage. He controls purchases, monitors the storage of products and distributes supplies. It depends on him that there is always fresh food on the ship and that nothing runs out ahead of time.

Everyone on this team plays an important role. And if catering work well-coordinated, the crew always receives tasty, balanced food, which helps them cope with stress and feel comfortable even in the middle of the ocean!

Features of catering at sea: cooking on the waves

Cooking on a boat is not the same as cooking on shore or in a restaurant. Here you have to take into account not only the tastes of the crew, but also the sea with all its surprises. What makes ship's catering so special?

  • Limited stocks. It’s impossible to stock up at the store around the corner, so groceries are calculated in advance - with a margin to take into account the duration of the flight and possible delays. It is important that everything is stored correctly and remains fresh until the end of the voyage.

  • Pitching is another challenge. When the boat rocks, even simple cooking turns into a challenge. The galley is equipped so that everything remains in its place: the pots do not fly away, and the stove works even with strong pitching. 

  • Strict international standards. Meals on board are regulated by global regulations such as the WSPS Code. This ensures that the food is not only tasty, but also safe, no matter where the ship is in the ocean.

  •  Different cultures - one menu. The crew on the ship is often international, which means the diet must take into account different culinary traditions and religious preferences. A good ship's cook is also a diplomat who knows how to please everyone.

Organizing catering at sea is a real art. Not only products are important here, but also the ability to work in any conditions, find solutions and take care of the team.

Crew diet and nutrition

Effective nutrition for seafarers must correspond to their high physical activity and provide the body with the necessary substances. The standard ship menu includes:

  • Breakfast – hot dishes, eggs, cereals, fresh fruit, tea or coffee.

  • Dinner – a complete complete meal with meat or fish dishes, side dishes, salads and soups.

  • Dinner – light meals, vegetable snacks, fermented milk products.

  • Additional snacks – nuts, dried fruits, baked goods, energy bars.

Modern ship catering: food of the future on the high seas

Ship catering has long stepped forward - technologies are changing, crew demands are growing, which means that the kitchen on board is becoming more and more modern. What trends determine ship catering today?

  • Technologies to help chefs. Frozen and freeze-dried foods help preserve flavor and nutritional value, while vacuum storage systems extend the shelf life of foods. Now, even in the middle of the ocean, you can cook dishes that are in no way inferior to those in restaurants!

  • Healthy eating is a priority. At sea it is especially important to maintain strength, so the ship's diet becomes healthier: fewer preservatives, a minimum of trans fats, no artificial flavor enhancers. More fresh food, healthy fats and balanced meals are key to the well-being of the crew.

  • Kitchen automation. Modern kitchen equipment with automatic settings simplifies the cooking process. From smart ovens to precise ingredient dosing systems, technology helps chefs work faster and more efficiently and crews get delicious meals without unnecessary delays.

Catering vacancies — it’s not just about food, but about caring for people who spend long weeks and months at sea. Modern solutions make food more convenient, better quality and more varied, helping sailors stay energetic and in a good mood, wherever their ship goes.