Yacht vacancies
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Working on a yacht: current vacancies
At the moment, there are more than 15 thousand yachts in the world that need a professional crew, which is due to the rapid development of the industry from year to year. A career in the world of yachting, in addition to good income, can also bring maximum satisfaction, exciting emotions, as well as the opportunity to travel around the world and expand your own horizons.Job opportunities in this field can be found almost anywhere where there is water. Current vacancies for working on yachts you will always find on the website of the crewing company “Marine MAN”.
Work in yachting: Which specialists are especially in demand?
Work in yachting covers a whole range of positions, which may vary depending on the size of the vessel. Usually the crew is divided into several departments:
machine department;
There are also other departments in which the captain or owner may need additional employees, for example security, personal staff.
Deck crew
The deck crew is the part of the crew responsible for all operations carried out on the deck of a ship. Her tasks include navigation, route planning, security and watchkeeping. Crew members must be highly qualified and have in-depth knowledge of international maritime norms and standards. The key figures in this unit include the captain, chief mate and first mate. Generally, a chief mate and first mate are required on ships of 3,000 tons or more registered as passenger ships.
The master or captain carries out the command process. This position includes tasks ranging from supervising one or more crew members to overseeing budgets.
Senior Mate
The chief mate is the second in command and can, if necessary, replace the captain if for any reason he is not on board. The Chief Officer has primary responsibility for performing all tasks on the bridge as well as managing the smooth running of work deck department yachts, general service process, team supervision.
Watch/Junior Officer
This position is most often found on large ships. This position plays a significant role, which primarily covers the safety of the vessel, as well as everyone present on board. The junior officer also assists the deputy captain with the duties.
Machine department
The basis for the success of absolutely any vehicle is technical maintenance. Mechanics are responsible for the smooth functioning of the vehicle and the operation of the vessel. This requires mechanical knowledge and technical ability. There are many career opportunities available in the machine department.
Chief/second mechanic
The mechanic is responsible for the maintenance of the engine and all mechanical devices located on board. The role of a mechanic is to ensure the smooth functioning of the transport from a technical point of view. Therefore, considering vacancies for work on a yacht, keep in mind that the mechanic must have specific knowledge in plumbing, mechanics, and more.
Deck crew
The deck crew is responsible for maintaining the exterior of the ship. Career path starts from junior position sailor on a yacht, then follow the sailor, boatswain, and mate. On large ships, the route is built from the 2nd mate to the 1st mate, and then the chief. The highest level is captain. Promotion requires professional skills, regular training, experience and dedication.
The boatswain leads a crew of sailors and reports to the mate. Experience required for this position work as a sailor on a yacht and relevant certificates.
The deckhand is responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the ship's exterior. On larger yachts, responsibilities expand to include maintenance.
This is not the entire list vacancies for a yachtwhich you will find on our website. There are also individual requirements specific to individual situations. Study all offers and choose what suits your needs and requirements.
Vacancies for working on yachts on the website of the crewing company “Marine MAN”
Our crewing company plays a key role in employment. We take on the role of intermediaries between seafarers and ship owners, helping to find the optimal vacancies on yachts and other courts. With our help you get access to most vacancies. You can focus on finding a job that meets your expectations. Choose Marine MAN and avoid all sorts of problems with finding work on ships.