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    Each type of sea-going ships has its own specifics of work, depending on the tasks they perform. Therefore, on such ships, representatives of ship specialties are not uncommon, present exclusively on this type of ships. The story will go about such a representative.

    Liquid cargo handling systems

    Donkerman, or, in English, "pumpman" is a specialty that is present only on tankers. Other options for his position include chief pumpman, QMED / pumpman, and second pumpman. Donkerman performs all the work required for the safe and correct operation of the liquid transfer system. This includes, but is not limited to: liquid handling pumps, liquid cleaning pumps, aggregates and separators, strainers and other filters, interconnected piping, valves, fittings and deck equipment directly related to liquid handling.

    The same specialists maintain cargo lines and connecting manifolds. Its job includes three aspects: repairing equipment in the event of a breakdown, monitoring equipment to make sure it is functioning properly, and maintaining equipment to prevent breakdowns. Many organizations, such as the US Navy, use scheduled and preventive maintenance systems to assist the donkerman in identifying and planning the required maintenance actions.

    Some common activities include repairing pumps with valves and repairing leaks in the cargo system. The Donkermans also frequently repackage valves and seals. They also spend a lot of time lubricating parts such as oil seals, bearings, and pull rods.

    On some types of ships, donkermans are responsible for the ballast system, space heating systems and other functional tasks of the engine room.

    Ability to make the right decisions

    At sea, the donkerman usually works 8 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, they often have general ship duties in addition to their official duties. To a large extent, for donkerman, this means the ability to make the right decisions during exercises and in real emergency situations. The donkerman engineer must participate in drills on board, such as drills for dealing with accidents, fire and collisions, and must be able to carry out his assigned duties and instructions safely and efficiently. As proof of his non-entry-level rating, Donkerman is expected to take the initiative in emergencies without specific orders or instructions and to have a complete understanding of security policies and practices. Some of the shipping policies of companies

    To work as a donkerman, a higher education is often not required. A professional intermediate or even beginner will be enough.

    It is worth noting that on the ship, donkerman is responsible for those areas that are operated by two different departments. Therefore, in fact, donkerman obeys both the chief executive and the chief mechanic at the same time. Often because of this, comical situations arise, which experienced seafarers who have gone on tankers more than once know.

    Thus, the profession of donkerman is interesting and difficult in its own way, and without special courses it will be quite difficult to get into it. But, as many seafarers note, training in the specifics of this profession takes place already on the ship. The main thing is to know the principles of the mechanisms and to have an analytical mindset.

